Saturday, March 21, 2009

Affiliate Marketing and the Internet Industry

Many entrepreneurs and opportunists have been looking for ways to drive money away from the large industries and into their own pockets by sharing in the profits of these bigger industries. With many industries closing their doors, such a new opportunity has evolved - Affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing programs work by paying you (the affiliate) a percentage of the sales generated by traffic that you send to the merchant's website. This is the perfect model for both parties, as it is risk free for the merchant, and the affiliate will only get a commission when a sale ismade as a result of traffic he sent.
Affiliate marketing is one for the biggest, and to date, the most successful online marketing opportunities. An affiliate program runs on simplicity and efficiency an has always worked extremely well for all parties involved.
The affiliate marketing concept is the most cost effective way for small to medium enterprises to reach out and expand their business operations by increasing sales volume. Such enterprises will no longer be restricted to their own, single website but will now be noticed on hundreds, possibly thousands of other websites as well.
On the other side of the coin, the affiliate marketing industry has become a huge source for income and has earned many people millions. Affiliates have been reaping huge financial rewards acting as affiliate marketers thanks to the popularity that the industry provides.
Single affiliates can earn as much as 75% of the sales that are made as a result of traffic they sent! With this type of commission structure, lasting for the entire life of the affiliate agreement the affiliate marketer has virtually unlimited earning potential.
Unlike most other online industries, there are absolutely no formal requirements to become an affiliate marketer. There are absolutely no strings or hidden agendas, which is why millions of people have turned to affiliate marketing to earn their income on the internet.
If you want to get a head start in the affiliate marketing business, why not join Tissa Godavitarne's affiliate program. It is 100% FREE to join, is in an extremely popular niche constituting more that 30% of all Google searches and he includes your affiliate link in his personal PPC campaigns! That's free traffic to your affiliate link! Click here to learn more.

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